Saturday, January 9, 2016

Portfolio 1

Posted this previously on a different blog. Accidently made the blog on my mom's account so I don't have access to add more information. This is the same information that i had down before, just on a new blog. You can refer to the old blog: to confirm. 

Five images (you can take them or they can come from the Internet [provide proper credit]). These images should reflect, in some way, what you imagine your classroom will look like once you are a teacher. Please annotate your images by providing a description of the image and how it relates to your future classroom.

·         Ocean picture—

I want my classroom to be fluid. There will be different opinions being bounced off of each other, but each student will be learning from each other and constantly reaching new depths and discovering new things for themselves in the ocean.

·         A light Bulb-

I want my students to be constantly having those “light-bulbs” click in their heads. I want them to be understanding new concepts and for them to be helping others understand them as well.

·         Honesty picture-

I want students know that they are expected to be honest in the classroom. This doesn’t just relate to school work, but to others, their thoughts and feelings. With this, I am hoping that it will create a learning environment where all will feel loved and welcome.

·         Sharing picture-

 I want the children to feel like what they have to contribute is worthwhile. From creating an open environment, my vision is that students will begin to answer each other’s questions from the remarks that they make.

·         Question picture-

 I strongly believe that one of the best ways students learn is by asking questions. How do little kids learn SO much SO fast, it is by asking questions. I hope that in my classroom the kids will understand the importance of asking questions and do so.

Imagine the surrounding in your classroom. What does the room look like? What resources are available for students? How are the resources used during the lesson?

I imagine that the surrounding in my classroom would be similar to any other classroom. It would have 4 walls with desks in the center. Off to the left the teacher’s desk will be situated. In front of the classroom I would want a whiteboard or a chalk board for teaching purposes. Particular to my room though, I would want there to be a station where students would be able to look information up. Information would include basic websites such as, the school website, and other approved cites. I would ensure that there were systems on the computer so that the students could not play games or view material that is not what we were talking about. In my classroom I would also make sure that there would be basic tools for doing science experiments—cylinders, beakers, magnifying glasses, etc. With all of these resources I would be sure that each student would have time during class to utilize them. If I gave them a writing assignment, or an assignment where they need to research something, each student would be allotted a certain amount of time at the computer, enough time so that they can accomplish the work that they need to, but also leave time for the other students to have a turn. With the science experiment tools, during science experiments, I would ensure that each student had the proper material that they needed to understand the concepts and complete the assignment. From all of these different resources, my vision for my future classroom is to have an innovative design that will allow students to learn to their utmost ability and prompt them to have further desire to learn.

Describe the students in your classroom. What are their backgrounds? What are their interests? What are they doing during the lesson?

I don’t expect one student to be exactly the same as another student in my classroom. I am anticipating that all of the students will come from different background and cultures. Some will come from homes where both parents are present and active in their lives, growing up with a strong family structure. Some will grow up in a split home with divorced parents. With those, while their parents may still be cordial or friendly to one another, the kids may feel split and torn. Others kids, on the other hand may grow up with only one parent present in their lives. For whatever reason, this parent may or may not have an active role in the academic life of their child. Along with this, I anticipate that there will be children from different countries; in which case, their first language may not be English. While the language barrier may be a bit of a difficulty for them, on top of this they may have extreme cultural differences in their school life and in their home life.

I anticipate that all of the children, will have different, but at the same time similar interests. My guess is that some of the little girls may be considered a little bit more “sporty” or as some would say, a bit more tom-boy like. Others of the girls I suspect that they will fall more into the category of “girly-girly.” These girls would be the ones interested in clothes, hair, etc. With the boys, I imagine that there will be some who are absolutely fascinated with video games. I believe that these kids could talk about what they play day and night if given the opportunity. Just like the girls, I imagine that there will be boys more into sports, and some who are more interested in the science part.

Although all of these kids will have different backgrounds, interests, and hobbies, my goal is to engage them all in the lesson. I hope that even though I know that there will be subjects which are not their favorite that they will still be motivated to pay attention and learn in their own way.

Describe you classroom policies. What are you classroom rules? What is your discipline plan? What are your homework policies?

 My classroom rules will be straight forward. Be respectful. Pay attention to the teacher and to others when they are speaking. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.Be safe.

If students are misbehaving, I will do different things depending on the scenario. In general, on the first offense, I plan to talk to them about what they are doing and tell them why it is wrong. The second time, I will make them stay in from recess, or eat lunch with the teacher. And, on the third time, I plan to call their parent or guardian and inform them of their child's behavior and ask them to address the issue as well.

For homework policy, I will expect students to finish their assignments at home and have it completed by the appropriate day. If a homework assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from the assignment until it is completed. Parents do have the option of emailing me beforehand, or coming in the morning of if an assignment is not completed and explain why. If the excuse is valid, more time will be allotted for that particular assignment.

Describe a typical lesson you will teach in your classroom. What will you teach? What is the topic? Why did you choose this topic? How will you teach it? What is the main thing you want students to learn during this lesson?

A typical lesson that I will teach in my classroom is how to write a character sketch. I will introduce students of the different ways that they can create characters and how they can more fully develop them. I chose this topic because often times I find that students have trouble expressing themselves. Through another character or person however, students can reveal their unique perspective to the entire world. I will teach this lesson by introducing a variety of characters--fiction, nonfiction, filled with fantasy, adventure, etc. After I introduce this topic I will demonstrate to students how different authors have been effective in their characters and give them a general formula with things they can do. Overall, I would say that the main thing that I want students to learn during this lesson is that no matter who they are, they have a voice and can be heard by others.

Imagine your work as a teacher during this lesson. What are you doing during the lesson?

Throughout the lesson I can see myself instructing the kids and helping them to see what they are supposed to accomplish. At the same time, I do not see myself talking the entire time. I envision the students participating creating a working environment that promotes learning and friendship.
Imagine your students again, what are they doing during the lesson?

During the lesson the students are engaged in the lesson. They are sitting forward in their sits, waiting in anticipation. Some may be shy and a bit more reserved to speak up, but as they learn the subject material, I hope to see them deeply involved in their character sketches.

Imagine how you will assess your students' learning and achievement. How will you know they have learned?

 I will know they have learned by the amount of progress they have made. The most traditional way to measure progress is through grades. As I learn more about my class, I will give them grades based on their improvement. 

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